UMediC Healthcare | CPR & AED Training @ SJK(C) Union

UMediC Healthcare | CPR & AED Training @ SJK(C) Union

Georgetown: Malaysian Red Crescent Pulau Pinang and UMediC Healthcare (UMC) provide the CPR and AED training for the school staff of SJK(C) Union on this World Heart Day, 29 September 2022. 1 2 ► To view the training video, click the link UMediC Healthcare | CPR...


(吉隆坡13日讯)得益于国内外对医疗器械和耗材的高需求,UMediC集团(UMC,0256,创业板)2022财年末季净利报56万8000令吉,推高全年净利至642万6000令吉。 该公司发文告指出,在扣除一次性的上市开支后,全年核心净利实际录得840万令吉,按年大涨50%,去年同期为508万7000令吉。 末季营业额则录得741万1000令吉,使得全年营收按年增长48.7%,至5073万8000令吉。 集团执行董事兼总执行长林椿雄相信,随着未来几年经济逐渐复苏,及医疗旅游等各种增长动力,加上政府支持下,将刺激业务继续增长。...
ACE-Market bound UMediC aims to raise RM31.1m from IPO

ACE-Market bound UMediC aims to raise RM31.1m from IPO

(From left) UMediC Group Bhd (UMC) non-independent non-executive director Lau Chee Kheong and non-independent non-executive chairman Datuk Ng Chai Eng, Affin Hwang Investment Bank Bhd chairman and independent non-executive director Tunku Afwida Tunku A Malek, as well...